I am

If you want to change your life, you need to change how you think and change what you do.

Self-help, personal change, being happy: it’s up to you. No-one else.  You decide. This is the first step.

Self-help starts with you. Self-help and personal change starts with your realisation that it really is in your own hands, and your decision to do something about it.  Your own self-belief is the key to successful life-change, achievement, contentment, and happiness.

Your own mind, particularly positive suggestion and visualisation, will develop your self-belief, and your determination to make successful change to your life.


Hado- “Wavelength” of Energy

HADO is a Japanese word that translates into “Wavelength”

(= Vibration of Energy).

Hado was something I heard referred to while doing my level 4 of clinical hypnotherapy.  Later on I chanced upon the word on Nithya Shanti’s facebook page.  Though I had a faint idea of what it meant, this got me really curious.  Why am I getting to hear this word so frequently?  My curiosity lead me to ask more questions, research some more.  So in today’s post I am trying to fit in brief all that and my own experiences with it.

“Hado” may be new to our ears, but it has existed in the Japanese language for centuries. Literally translated, it means wave motion or vibration. Within the past few decades hado has been spoken of in the context of philosophy, science, and quantum physics. More recently, the definition has expanded into the spiritual realm to express the healing properties and transformative powers of this life-force energy.


New age children-Crystal children

What do we know about the children of the Crystal vibration?  Crystal children have not stirred things up – yet. September 11, 2001 was a turning point, a signal, and a gateway for this next wave of children. The Crystal children’s time has come!
The Crystal children are so-called, not because of their aura color, but because of their high vibration. Perhaps it will be noted in time that Crystals are more dominant in the crown chakra, the violet color spectrum, even the white and clear aura.

It has often been noted that “Crystal and Christ” are very similar words.

The Crystal children =are so sensitive, so vulnerable to the world around them, that they go inward, disconnect as best they can from even humans and do their best to survive in a world where they really don’t yet fit.

Back to the question of how long the Crystal children have been here: In the last four decades or so, a few more than usual began to incarnate to anchor the energy.

How do we recognize these new children or some of the few adult Crystals who, as forerunners, anchored the necessary energies? They are not out and about raising havoc, they are quietly living in relative obscurity. Please keep in mind that these attributes are not all inclusive, nor does every Crystal child necessarily exhibit every quality.


The secret laws behind rituals-part 1

While going through a low phase, I was introduced to the Law of Attraction and later to Nichiren’s Buddhism by my dear friend, Shumi, my inquisitive mind tried to draw parallels…Nichiren’s Buddhism as it was revealed to me, was about putting an intent and then chanting morning-evening gongyo and a million Daimoku’s with the intent of making your wish come true…Of course this happens to the best interest of all concerned.


Wants and Needs- An abundance perspective.

Learn to live with less. Learn to shun envy. Appreciate what you have.
If you have less, you will appreciate what you have more.

This is a quote I read over the net sometime back…

At the time I read it, I was in the self-sacrificing mode and thought of this as one great quote!..After all most of us have been bought up to believe this. I used to believe self-sacrifice was the biggest of all virtues. It gave me a feeling of moral one-up-ness…yeah…can you believe it?  Holier than thou! But then where does it place the thou in thine eyes?  🙂 More

Ho’oponopono– healing with responsibility!

I am sorry

Please Forgive Me

I love You

Thank You!

The magical mantra to healing and  changing your life–Beyond The Secret!

Beautiful Hooponopono song



The Blue Star Children

There are many differing theories on the kids being born now. This is mine and is based on the messages I have received from Lord Michael. The children born between the years of 2000 and 2010 are what Michael refers to as the “blue star children.” These children are a mixture of old souls and of brand new souls, bought forward to inhabit the earth at this time. More

Of Greek Gods and Indian Devas

I was having a chat with my 9-year-old son, Ishaan over breakfast.  He happened to tell me about something which was discussed in his class. The topic was something new to me and also very exciting for him, as he got the opportunity to teach me something.

Of course it’s another matter that, unknown to him, I consider him as my biggest teacher, as I believe babies, being closes to The Source are as Divine as our pure souls.  And seeing him growing up has taught me much about life as we perceive it. More

Seeker always or a know-it-all?

One comment by a dear friend on one of my wall posts brought into perspective what I have been thinking for a while…something that keeps coming back…something which  has remained unanswered so far.

How many of us who are on to what is termed as the spiritual path, actually have come across this question?

What is IT that we are seeking? Why do we feel the urge to keep seeking? Do we want to remain a seeker or else..what…what is beyond the seeking? More

The flow of Life

They say that if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans for Life!

It seems so true. Life is one continuous flow.  The more we try to control it, the more it seems to get out of our control. More

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Dr. Rashmi

